Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Shattered Mask

"A little too late for that now." said Ruby.
Ruby and Yang are standing in a circle of Beowolves, and one in particular, the Alfa, has emerged and seems to have decided to confront them by itself. Probably a freshly named one, looking to prove his place in the pack. This would have been a good thing except that a named Beowolf Alfa is already several times stronger than a normal Alfa to begin with.
"Can't hurt to do it while you can." Replies Yang.
"Let's hope you can do it again after this."
"Very. You?"
"Yup. Now let's do this."
A flurry of crack-cracking announced their weapons being first unfolded and then armed, and the two took their fighting stances. The Beowolf clawed the ground, growled, and charged at them.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the man from the street appeared, at a running pace that would have impressed a speed demon, and tackled the Beowolf with enough forward momentum to knock it off it's forward course.
Both of them stared. Ruby at the man, and Yang at the direction he came from. The bushes on the edge of the clearing were still calming down after he ran through them.
Only the bushes right at the edge. Those further into the woods were still.
He had been hiding in there. He had been watching.

The Alfa, recovering from the unexpected attack, roared in anger.
The man, also recovering, returned it with a roar of challenge.
Both charged each other amongst a glass-shattering hail of howls of the surrounding Beowolves.
The Alfa pounced at the man, front legs outspread, preventing any escape to the side. An escape towards the rear will have less chance of success compared to the seemingly foolish choice of escaping towards the front, directly at the Beowolf.
Those words would have shot through the man's mind if he understood a word of language, but since he didn't, he knew what to do through instinct programmed into him, and charged forwards, rolling under the Alfa and drew first blood with an enormous sword with a bone-white blade with four large flat spikes for an edge and blood-red markings of swirls and a circle on each side ...
... sprouting from and attached to the man's right arm.
She'd been telling herself that she was seeing things, that he just had a grappling-hook/claw weapon, but seeing the blade, she had to finally face the truth.
He wasn't an ordinary man, if at all.
This could be bad. This could be very, very bad. Probably would be.

The cut wasn't deep enough to wound anything vital, but the Alfa had a nasty gash on it's belly. A flesh wound, to be sure, but one that bleeds nonetheless.
It had underestimated the man. It didn't expect either attack. That's why it got injured. It won't do so again.
It charged again, but in a patternless zigzag pattern, and then began to ran circles around the man, kicking up dirt and dust in his wake. Soon, a cloud of thick dust has obscured both from the two girls' view.

Inside, things weren't much better.
The Alfa, with it's animal-like senses and instincts, can quite literally see if not sense right through the dust cloud. The man can hear growls and the occasional kicked stone and broken twig, but that's about it. He looked alarmingly at every direction, flinching at every little sound, but soon gave up doing that. He took several deep breaths to calm down, lowered his head, dangled his arms...
...and closed his eyes.
It seemed an insane and life-abandoning idea, but considering the situation, it is in fact the best thing to do. Sight is the most-used sense for living things, and is more effective to obscure than to blind so the brain is still paying attention to sight already gone. In that sense, blinding oneself - closing one's eyes - forces the mind to adapt and focus on senses better suited for the task like scent and hearing, but for a human's weaker senses and slower reaction time, it is a last bet that gives naught but false hope.
And yet, for a third time, he proves himself inhuman. The Alfa finally charges at the man, seeming to be the loudest explosion in the most dead of nights. Almost immediately, he begins to move, twisting to face the threat and jumping sideways to avoid the charge. Almost immediately.
As the Alfa passed the man by, dissipating most of the dust cloud, blood is in the air. Three red claw marks appeared on the side of the man's torso. He crashes to the ground, grunting in pain but pushing it out to avoid missing the window of opportunity in which the Alfa is taken off guard having missed it's target, got up, and rushed at the Alfa. As he is doing so, he swings his right hand sideways. By the time his palm passes his shoulder, it's already gone and in it's place the blade used before.
He drives the blade sideways deep into the Alfa's exposed and unarmored underbelly. Twisting it, he jumps over the Alfa, the blade still connected to him with a flexible and extendable black strip, solidifying into a hard white pole shape. Landing on the other side of the Alfa, a rough scythe shape is formed. Grabbing lower onto the pole with his other hand, he pushes with his left and pulls with his right, causing the blade to rip right through the Alfa's body, creating a cut going two-thirds across it's torso.
He didn't stop at delivering the killing blow. Jumping onto the Alfa, he created a second blade and drove it into the Alfa, creating a second cut going over the first.
The other Beowolves begin to advance. Alarmed, Ruby and Yang attack some, but soon realized they weren't hostile, and that they were going towards the Alfa and the man.
Having created a triangular flap, he frantically dug into the bloody and has already to begin disintegrating depths os the Alfa.
As soon as a ring of Beowolves, sitting attentively around the late Alfa formed, the man reemerged holding high the heart of the Alfa, and roared at the night sky. The rest followed suit and howled at the sky as the heart, as well as the Alfa, disintegrated into nothingness. The man has just been named the new Alfa of the pack.

"Yang" says Ruby shakily "What ... what WAS that?"
"Which that? The Alfa, the unusual pale-white weapons, or him?"
She was silent, then said "The last one."
"A humanoid living creature with what seems to be a self-morphing ability to form weapons which just turned itself into the leader of a pack of Beowolves."
"What have we gotten into?"
"I knew, I just KNEW not to come!"
"A little too late for that now..."

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