Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Lost Soul

"We have to bring him back." Says Ruby.
The man has three deep claw cuts on his side, and is bleeding profusely from the exercise.
He has collapsed from the disintegrating Alfa's body, and Ruby and Yang are at his side, surrounded by Beowolves. It seemed a peculiar sight: Creatures of Grimm not attacking people and hunters not attacking the Grimms.
"What? Why?" Demands Yang.
"He saved our lives."
"You've seen what he can do, he can take care of himself."
"But not his wound. It's already getting worse."
"How are we supposed to bring him all the way back? It'll take at least until morning before we reach the city on our own, carrying a wounded man - if that's what he is - will just slow it down."
"What about your bike?"
Yang gave Ruby a look that said 'What do you think?'
The man then started to make some growling and whining sounds.
"Don't try to speak, it'll just make it worse. Just calm down and don't say anything."
He didn't stop. He huffed at one of the Beowolves and it stepped forward, like a knight being called forth by a king. Pushing away and ignoring the protests of Ruby, he stumbled over to it and climbed onto its back. He then fixed the girls with a weakened look as if to say 'What are you waiting for?'
The two girls looked at each other for a moment, wondering if it was a good idea. Ruby shrugged, and climbed on. Yang sighed, grumbled "I am SO going to regret this..." and climbed on, too.
The Beowolf took off. The sudden movement attacked the man's wound, he cried out and almost fell over, but Ruby, sitting between him and Yang, grabbed onto him. With much effort, she hauled him back upright on the Beowolf.
As if sensing his pain, the Beowolf slowed down to a more manageable yet still a reasonably fast speed.
About half an hour into the ride, Ruby spoke up.
"We're riding on a Beowolf."
"Yes, we are."
"It is."
"Through that guy, apparently."
"What is he?"
"In my opinion, probably a Grimm."
"Genetic mutation? Lab Experiment? Any other entries you might want to add?"
"First 'yes', then 'maybe', then 'no'."
"Huh. Even after what just happened, you still have the capacity to make dumb jokes."
"Ok, not dumb. HUMORLESS."
"Come on, sis."
"Here we are."
The barely visible city lights dotted the landscape, visible through gaps in the trees that are growing bigger as they continued to advance. The Beowolf then stopped about 30 meters or so from the nearest street and didn't budge.
The two girls carried the man between then, carrying him off the Beowolf, and took him towards the street. The Beowolf watched for a moment, before howling at the sky and running back into the woods.
At the street, they once again met Velvet, now carrying a bag, just released from the medical centre and walking back to the dorms. when she saw them, her face first showed curiosity, then recognition, and finally horror. She rushed over.
"Is he-" she began.
"No, he's not OK." says Yang
"No, is he they man from the street in the day?"
"What happened?"
"A Beowolf Alfa is what."
"How bad is he injured?" she asked, crouching down and rummaging in her bag, removing several bottles labeled as medicine she got from the medical center.
"I don't know, I'm not a doctor. But if I had to guess, I'd say several broken ribs and blood loss."
"Pretty much." she said, applying antiseptic to the wound.
The man gritted his teeth as she cleaned the wound, fighting off the pain, and didn't calm down until she began to apply gauze and bandage to the wound.
"That should suffice for a temporary fix. It would hold him together until we can get professional help."
"Thanks, Velvet." says Ruby
"Your welcome. Just...don't tell anyone." says Velvet.
"What?" asks Yang.
"Don't go around telling everybody."
"Why not?"
"They'll say I was showing off."
"You're not." says Ruby.
"They'll say it anyway. Promise me, don't tell anyone. Well, you can tell the other two from your team, and any teachers if they ask. And...tell him."
"O...kay, I guess."
"Great. Thanks."she said, and ran off.
"That's not right." says Yang.
"What isn't?" asks Ruby.
"Her. she's being bullied because she's too modest. I'm willing to bet she'll be an A-student if she's just willing to show her abilities without worrying about what people are thinking of her."
"Not a problem to be addressed now."
"Guess not."


"Ssooo...let me get this straight. You went into a police station..." began Weiss.
Blake nodded.
"...And managed to walk out again?"
Blake sighed and drooped her head.
Blake and Weiss are at their dorm room, exchanging what happened to them after they split up.
"What did you find?"
"That the man might be dangerous."
"That's not good for Ruby and Yang."
"By the way, why didn't you tell the police about the claw thing?"
"The claw-? Oh, that. I forgot."
"You what?"
"I said I forgot. Why?"
"I thought you had some ... special protective reason to not tell them! I didn't tell them! Do you know you can get into trouble for withholding information to the police for an unspecified reason?"
"Uhh...no, but it can't be all-"
"It'll leave a black mark on your school report."
"This is bad, this is very bad. You think we can still tell them now?"
"Maybe, but-"


"Too late."
"Blake! Weiss! Open the door! My hands are, uh, kinda full out here."
"I'd never thought I'd be saying this, but boy, am I glad it's -"
Weiss did't get to finish the sentence after she opened the door.
"By heavens! Who is -"
The man lifted his head.
"YOU!? What are you doing here?"
"We got attacked be some Beowolves. Actually, just their Alfa."
"You defeated a Beowolf Alfa!?"
"No, we didn't. He did. Saved us and got himself injured. We figured we could bring hum back and get him treated. As repayment, i guess. And Velvet did the dressing of the wound."
"How did you manage to fight off the rest of the pack?"
"We didn't. After this guy killed the Alfa, he ... cut out it's heart and named himself the new leader of the Beowolf pack. That's how we came back to Vale on the back of a Beowolf."
"You came back on the back of a - ?"
"But how!?"
"Stick around when the questions are asked."
"I KNEW I should have went."
Ruby gave Yang a look of smugness which she ignored.

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