Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Shapeshifter

"Now what do we do?"
Ruby and Yang just managed to get the man back to Beacon, but apparently, Ruby didn't think any farther than that.
Then Peter Port appeared at the door.
"What's all this ruckus about?"
Then he saw the man.
"What is he doing here?" he demanded. "Don't you kids know that you're not supposed to bring people not of this academy here?"
"Yes, yes, we know." said Ruby. "I can explain. It all started this afternoon when..."
When she finished, Peter calmed down to a point, but became curious.
"A claw and a blade, you say?" asked Peter.
"Yes." said Yang.
"Hmm ... let me try to talk to him."
Walking over the short distance, he started his attempt.
"What's your name?"
"Where are you from?"
"How did you manage to make yourself the leader of a pack of Beowolves?"
"How did you get your..."
"Weapon creation?"
"More like weapon morphing, actually." Yang.
"OK, how did you get that 'weapon morphing' ability of yours?"
"This will be difficult ... I ought to take him to see Ozpin, see if he can do anything about him. Any objections?"
"Any other options?" asked Blake.
"Good point." said Peter. "He should be in his office, finishing up on late night paperwork, probably. Come along."
They helped him to his feet. Immediately it became visible he was already getting better. He didn't growl at each step, and he didn't limp and topple. Blake and Yang, both of which were helping him along, barely felt any weight on their arms.
"Odd..." said Yang. "I ... I think he's already better. Not healed, just ... better."
"Hm?" wondered Peter. Carefully, he felt on the wound, then applied pressure onto it. The man just huffed and a sudden, but small, spike of pain. He was otherwise silent, and fixed Peter with a curious look. "Indeed. That's remarkable. Come along, now, and pray he hasn't retired for the night yet."
He hasn't. "What is it?" he asked as Peter, at his decision, entered first.
"Ozpin, sir. RWBY team is outside, and they have a peculiar man with them. They said he turned his arms into weapons and first killed a Beowolf Alfa and then basically made himself the Alfa."
"I see." said Ozpin, showing no visible emotion "Let them in."
When everyone entered the office, Ozpin, now standing in front of his desk, began to ask questions similar to Peter's, and received the same wordless answers.
"It would seem" he said "He doesn't understand language."
"How are you sure?" asked Peter.
"Like this." replied Ozpin and said to the man "Did you coldly break the neck of five men dressed as undercover police officers on the hours of this afternoon?"
"No visible emotion or reaction that may indicate he understands what I said. An ordinary person, even a sociopath, would at least twitch at the mention of his killing actions."
"But what do we do about it?"
"We need answers."
"We need to prevent him to fall into the wrong hands."
"To do both, we need to keep him."
"Yyyess, i guess."
"It's decided then." he concluded "Peter, have a Bullhead take this young man to Signal effective tomorrow. Do not allow information of his presence here or at Signal go further than this room, is that understood?"
"Yes sir. May I ask a question?"
"Go ahead."
"Why do you want to keep him?"
"The same reason those girls decided to follow him. Answers."
Walking back to his desk, he retrieves a pen and paper, and writes on it. Then, wrapping it in an envelope, he held it out to the man. He looked at the envelope, then at Ozpin, then back again. Taking it, he turned it around in his hand for a moment before tucking it in his trouser's pocket. He would take it out again when he understood the to him runic markings that to others were writings.
"Wait." said Weiss "You're sending him to signal, Won't he take years there?"
"His mind is relatively empty, very information absorptive. I would estimate that he would return within a year or two. No more, for sure, probably less."
"But how?"
"He'll advance in classes based on performance instead of time. If he learns everything to be taught at Signal, he can come back here. "


"He's old enough to be in your class, in any case." echoes Ozpin's voice
RWBY looks on as an Airship is docking at the air docks of the school. It can't be a batch of new students, but it can be ONE student.
"He gave himself a name" she remembers Ozpin saying several weeks ago.
"What name is it?" asked Weiss.
"Lucifer." said Ozpin.
The Airship's cabin door opened.
Out walked a man, wearing a black hoodie with a pull up mask visible at the base of his neck over the same stone-grey trousers he wore since the street. He also had plate metal bracers on his forearms and his lower legs, as well as a plate metal chestplate, all five pieces of armor decorated with blood-red spiral markings. he had two different handguns tucked into their holsters strapped to his back on his belt, as well as two daggers with some sort of reservoir at the end of the handle, in their sheaths on the lower straps of his chestplate. Lastly, he had a basic-looking long rifle at his back.
"Lucifer Grimm" said Ozpin in Ruby's memory.

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