Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Bloodied Suits


She knew she should have followed.
Her nightvision and other heightened senses like hearing and smell as a Faunus can help greatly when it gets dark out. She could be a crucial asset in the forest.
But she trusted her friends, and besides, she had to do some answer-searching herself.
At a police station.
Arriving, she got stumped: Now what? Where do I go asking about 5 dead undercover cops and a runaway man with some sort of morphing ability?
She got saved by - surprise, surprise - a police detective.
"Can I help you?"
"Wha - oh, yeah! Sure! Help! Yeah!"
Giving her an odd look, he asked "What do you need?"
Clearing her throat, she began "Well, I'm here to ask about, uh, the, uh, incident, involving a half-naked guy and five undercover cops."
He narrowed his eyes "And what are you here to ask about?"
"What was going on?"
"In a nutshell? Five hoods with stolen badges and weapons attack unknown man who killed all but one of them (we have him now) and ran away with three girls after him."
"How do you know that?"
"I'm was one until I broke away. Just now."
"So you know a girl in white that decided not to follow her teammates?"
"Sure, Weiss Schnee."
He huffed.
"A Schnee. That explains much."
"Yeah, well, she's changing. At a pace."
"Any more things you want to know?"
"Who was the man?"
"Beats me, if you find out, tell us. And if you're going to ask about the hoods-"
"Whatever. They are ... well, WERE mercenaries. We found their mode of transportation - an unassuming van with fancy-schmancy-whatever-but-it's-glowing stuff inside. and color photo of the guy identified as the victim of the assault, as well as a piece of paper with 'work orders' on it. 'Capture the target. Do not let your guard down, even if he's dead. Use weapons provided to you fully. Finish the job as quick as possible. Warning. Dangerous target. Make every attempt to escape shall He emerge.'"
"Who's 'He'?"
"I figured you knew. They ran, right?"
"If you could call that measly attempt running, yeah."
"So I guess you know. Can you tell me?"
She searched her memory, and was hit once more with the dread she felt when 'He' first swept his eyes over her.
"No joking around."
An odd silence followed.
"What?" asked Blake?
"Demon?" asked the officer.
"What made you think so?"
She tried not to look into the memory again "Everything?"
"Anything specific?"
"Eyes, actions, heck, stance...Aura? That help?"
"Helps confirm that he is one scary mother, yeah. We had around two dozen people questioned before this, and they all said different variations of the same thing. He's a demon, a monster, a lab mutation, yada yada yada."
"Anything else?"
"Nah. most of them were too scared to say much. The second most quiet was the last suit and he just kept saying 'Abomination' (And the most quiet didn't say jack, in case you didn't know). The most talkative was the Schnee girl."
She wondered why Weiss, clearly calm enough to talk about the claw thing, didn't. She thought that she might have some sort of reason not to, so she didn't share the man's morphing ability to the police. She'll ask Weiss why later.
"So, care to dethrone the Schnee girl as most talkative in this case?"
"What, I haven't already?"
"With that sentence, you did." He chuckled. "By the way, why didn't YOU follow your team?"
"I had an idea to come here to maybe learn something about the incident I haven't yet already."
"Yep. Also, I trust them to look after themselves and find THEIR answers from their source."
"You're a better person than the Schnee girl. Who are you, anyway?"
"Blake Belladonna."
"Well, Belladonna, keep up the good work."
"Actually, I'm beginning to wonder if I made a mistake coming here."
"How so?"
"'The second most quiet just kept saying 'Abomination' '."

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