Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Bloodluster

The crack is still echoing off the walls when the first screams made themselves heard.
Some people ran away, most of the rest stood stock-still and staring in disbelief.
Only the suits acted differently, wether that is a good or bad thing. looks of terror spread across their faces, looks of men knowing their about to die and that any effort to fight is futile. However, to fight no matter what is part of human nature, and 2 of the suits went up street, and the other 2 went down the street, all 4 tucking their stun batons, now off, into their suit jackets and retrieving handguns, unused until now, from the other side of their jackets and brought them level to the man...

...But he's already gone...

...And reappeared between the 2 suits up the street, arms outstretched and wrapped around both suits' heads, knocked off their feet because the man went slightly further up the street from where they were standing.
Both arms pulled upwards, and 2 more cracks announced the deaths of 2 more people.

The final 2 suits weren't standing side-by-side, so the first to go was the closer suit.
The man threw his right hand around the back of the suit's head, and his left around the suit's back to his left shoulder in a grotesque bear hug.
Except this isn't a hug anyone alive is used to.
Both arms pulled.
Anyone who didn't witness the act may find it difficult to tell the suit's neck has been snapped. The head has been twisted all the way around, from the front, it looks as if the head's in its proper place, with no evidence to a cause of death save a neat, red-smeared wound going all around the suit's neck.

Looking up from the suit he just killed, the man sees the final suit running down the street, screaming that the Devil himself has arrived to bring about death to Remnant.

And he did something completely unexpected.

Drawing his hand back as if to throw something, it firstly turns jet-black up to his elbow before splitting into several black strips. These he manipulates so they twist and turn around each other to form a claw shape, which solidifies into a pale bone-white colour. More black strips the sprout between claw and arm, wrapping around the latter as if to secure the claw to the hand.
Then, in a throwing motion, the claw launches from the hand - connected with an extending strip of black - towards the suit. Landing and grabbing on the suit's leg, he falls screaming face-down on the pavement.
Pulling out his gun, he begins to squeeze of bullet after bullet into the claw and the black strip connecting them in an effort to escape, with no visible effect even after the gun runs out. Then removing the stun baton, he begins to beat the claw and the back strip with it, forgetting to turn it on first.
By the time he does, the man is already upon him, and, grabbing onto his shirt, lifts him right off the pavement with just one arm. He holds the suit close to himself and stares into his eyes, and the suit stares back into the man's eyes, to terrified to even struggle, and sudden, infrequent pants for breaths.
Suddenly, the man's hair reverts to black, and settles down against the man's head, curling at the tip just as before.
The man is silent for a moment, his eyes closed. Then, squeezing his eyes shut tighter, he slowly shakes it from side-to-side as if he is just waking up in the morning. Opening it, he looks around for a short moment, freezing as he laid eyes on the first body, and from then he looks from one body to the next, as if the only thing that could have happened here can not be good, finally laying eyes on the suit he is holding up. He sighs, a long deep sigh, almost of disappointment.

He then opens his mouth. wider and wider it goes, revealing a pair of fangs just slightly longer than his other teeth on either side on his upper front teeth.
"Uh-oh" says Yang
"What?" asks Ruby
"I don't know, but after what he has done, i wouldn't rule out 'man-eater' if i have to describe him" she says, and the four rush over in hopes to stop what they fear the man would do to finish off the last suit.

The roar seems to stop everything, every action, every sound, every second, all froze as his jaws let loose and the man roared into the suit's face. A long, loud roar rippling with pain and sorrow.
The suit seemed to have froze as well. He didn't blink, didn't breath, didn't even twitch for the longest moment, before his eyes rolls upwards, and he falls limp in the man's hands, unconscious.

Dropping the suit down to the pavement, he looks about him, at the gathered people, at the dead suits, at Ruby, Yang, Blake, Weiss, Velvet, the old shop owner, every direction, as if taking in a precious memory he would never want to forget, before turning down the street and taking off, running into a path opened by the gathered people avoiding the man.

"Come on." says Ruby "After him."
"What?" exclaims Weiss "But why? we were supposed to have fun today!"
"Because" she replies "We need answers."
"Are you coming?"
"OK, then, Blake, sis, come on."
"Sorry, Weiss" says Blake as she runs after Ruby.
"Maybe some other time" says Yang, as she, too, runs after Ruby.
Weiss stands still for a moment before shouting "I am NOT going with you guys!"

The next half hour is spent running after the man, elusive as a greased fish out of the water. The chase comes to a pause as the man takes off into the Emerald Forest. It is there where Blake turned away, saying "You guys go on ahead. I honestly think he won't be coming out of there alive, but you're free to try."

Ruby dashes into the trees, Blake walks back to the mass of concrete and steel.
Yang  stands still, unsure of where to go, until a shout of "Yang, come on already!" got her to run into the woods, too.


"Aaand...that's how it pretty much came to this."
"I knew i shouldn't have followed you." says Yang.
"But you would have followed anyway, and you did." says Ruby
"And you know me too well, and I don't really like that."
"You're my sister, you're the second-best person I know, after myself."
"They say you don't really know who you are, others do"
"And who are 'they'?"
"Sure as heck not these guys"
"Wha- oh, damn it..."
The two girls have been surrounded by a pack of Beowolves while in the middle of their conversation, and are just walking out of the bushes they were hiding in, but none in particular made any move to attack.
That didn't mean it was a good thing. It means things are worse.
Another Beowolf walked out of it's hiding place. It was twice as big as a normal Beowolf, and the markings on its skull-armor is slightly different. Larger curves, thicker lines.
A Beowolf Alfa.
"Ooooh...nooo" moans the two girls, out in the Emerald Forest, approaching night, looking for a half-dressed mystery man and now surrounded by a pack Beowolves and confronted by the Alfa.
"I KNEW I shouldn't have followed."

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