Thursday, January 1, 2015

No More Posts

This thread will not be updated indefinitely due to personal reasons.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Red Like Roses in Chinese

was bored. made this. still working on the fic.

你把我~ 留下来打完这战。
我不想~ 你无意义的而死。

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Cresent of Darkness

Jaune wanted help. He seriously did, but he wanted for Pyrrha to have a day off for once more.
He is training by himself in a field, trying to do  a long-ranged swing with his sword.
Okay...he thought for what must have been the hundredth time toaday. Step forward, quick swing, step backwards, I can do this. he added unnecesarily.
He in truth stood a small distance away from the dummy he set up for the purpose. Speeding up a bit, he jogged towards the model, stopped, swung-
-And missed his mark.
Sighing, he started to back up for another try, but he bumped into something behind him that he knew wasn't there before. Thinking a Grimm snuck up to him, he threw his hands up in shock, throwing both sword and shield up into the air.
Turning to face the threat - which by now part of his mind already knew it wasn't, though the other part didn't care - he saw it was only Lucifer.
Before he could so much as breath a sigh of relief, his shield, now in sheath form, came down on his head with a loud CLONK!
Looking up, Lucifer saw his blade was still coming down, and he snatched it out of the air by the handle backwards before it could drive through Jaune's back, exposed as he bent over with pain. Lucifer tossed the sword upwards, catching it by the blade and keeping the edge from his hand, and held it out to Jaune. He took it, saying "Thanks, Lucifer."
"How's the training going?" he asked. Jaune almost said that he was doing fine, thank you, but who was he kidding? Lucifer might have been standing behind him long enough to know how was he doing already. Besides, he might be of some help.
"Bad. I can't seem to get this right."
"Do it again and let me see." he said.
Jaune did, stepping back, jogging forward, stopping, swinging and missing again.
"First things first" said Lucifer "Your swing is too wide. You are only fighting one target at the moment, you need not swing your sword in so wide an arc or you'll expose yourself to a counterattack."
"How about actually hitting my target?" asked Jaune.
"You can try again when you fail. If you don't get cut down by a counterattack from your wide swing. Do it again."
He did, missing again, but reducing the distance he swings his sword. He observes that he can step back quicker if he does so.
"Another reason to keep your swings small. You can be justified to wide swings when your number of targets go somewhere over...oh, say, ten."
Then he stopped.
"Jaune?" he asked.
"Yeah?" Jaune replied.
"Let me see that sword."
"Just" he said in a low, commanding tone "Hand it over."
He did.
Holding the sword close to his eyes, he examined it, looking at the blade, down the pommel towards the tip and every little detail on it.
"Where did you get this blade?" he asked.
"It's a hand-me-down - Ruby calls it a family heirloom and a classic, but it's pretty old in this day and age to be of much use - My great-great-grandfather used it during the war."
Lucifer looked at him "Your-? What's your name?"
"I know that already, what's your OTHER name?"
"And do you know the role your double-great-granpa played during the war?"
"He was a seargent. All I know."
"Figures" Lucifer looked away from the blade at Jaunce "Jaune, your double-great-granpa was one the most unsung heroes during the war." Turing away from Jaune's puzzled face back towards the sword, he says "He was part of an elite team, the S.A.R.s"
"No, S-A-R, for Shock and Awe Raiders. And this weapon-" he held it out at arm's length "-was, simply put, a legend in the team."
"But it's just a sword and shield-"
"Don't you call it 'just' a sword and shield, are you not familiar with your family's ... heritage?"
"Besides they were all hearoes?"
"Jaune, the Arc family has a long history of fighters with large amounts of Aura. Certainly you have been told something similar before?"
"...You have a lot of it..." he remembered Pyrrha saying to him "Yeah?"
"Well..." said Lucifer "...This weapon is one of the best weapons in terms of Aura conductivity, period." turning to the trees nearby, he shouts "Don't you agree with me, Pyrrha?"
Pyrrha? thought Jaune, as she jumped down from her hiding place on a branch and walked towards them.
"Impressive. I was up there since he came here to watch how would he do alone. How did you find me?" she asked.
"I can smell you." he said casually "Don't ask what."
"Wait" said Jaune "What about her and Crocea Mors?"
"Well, it's an interesting bit of, ah, deduction, you might say. Seeing Jaune train, I can be sure that his left flank would be open whenever he swings his sword. From my own research and training, I know that an Ursa's attack style would have caught Jaune, and, well, he wouldn't be here. I doubt he was able to see the attack and lift his shield in time to block it like he did, so chancees are that Aura is involved. Cardin was too busy wetting his pants to do it, Ruby's Aura is speed, Weiss's is glyphs, and that leaves Pyrrha as the only person there that might have done something. Your Aura's probably got something to do with metal, but you can tell me what later. Anyway, I'm sure you noticed something as you moved the shield?"
"I...did" she said, recovering from Lucifer's explanation of his truthful conclusion. "The shield moved faster than I expected, but I thought I just used a larger amount of Aura, so I didn't really think much of it."
"There you go" said Lucifer "As I said, your gre'great-granpa was an unsung hero of the war. He often caught opponents off-gaurd by the effectiveness of the weapon. You can imagine how it went- 'Meh. Just a common sword and shield, nothing to worry about.'" he chuckled "Of course, what you can actually do with these are limited, still, however, you can really dish out lots of damage if you do it right."
"Aaaannd...what exactly CAN I do?"
"From what I read - books are such good information sources - The sword can fire a sort of 'cresent cutter',and the shield can blast a sort of shockwave."
"That it?" asked Jaune, somewhat disapointed.
"Don't be greedy, Jaune. Watch this." Lucifer swings the blade at some of the nearby trees, and a black fiery cresent flies from the blade right at the trees. Several severed treetops begin to hit the ground.
"Whoa" said Jaune. Then "Wait, you used Aura? Won't that awake Neimo?"
"I've been training myself..." he said, slyly. Neimo was probably listening, and he couldn't afford the secret of the Aura Arrester in his pocket being revealed to him.

"You know, Lucifer" says Jaune "You haven't YET tald me how to hit my target."
"I can help!" chirps Pyrrha.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Ok, I haven't been posting for some time, and I apologise for the delay, but...let's just say that I haven't quite figured out how the story goes on from the point where I left off.

Imagine how the story goes as a road, and the way I smooth out the story as building the road, and posting different parts of it as me walking down said road.

The road directly before me has been smoothed out the best i can, and so has the end of it, so I have started to walk down it. Unfortunately, there is a small, but existing, portion of the road that I haven't smoothed out all that good, and now I have my foot stuck in a pit. Or I'm staring up a hill that isn't supposed to be there, I don't know.

The obstruction is somewhat unexpected. I have a vague idea what to do to overcome it, but not a clear idea HOW to do it. It's safe to say I'm thinking how would I connect where I left off to the ending I have already polished over more times than I bothered to count.

It'll take some time. How much, I'm not sure. At most? Several months, I guess. Sorry.


Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Unanswered Question

"You said that he was in semi-control?" asked Ozpin.
"Actually, I got that from Lie Ren, but yes." replied Ruby.
Team RWBY and JNPR are sitting in Ozpin's office, discussing the incident that happened on the previous day. Lucifer isn't there because he is still recovering from once again releasing Neimo.
"Hmm...maybe he's getting the hang of this whole..." he pauses "...Half-Grimm usage." but he sounded unconvinced. Maybe even worried, though about what is unclear. "Anything else?"
"Yeah." says Weiss "He spoke."
"Excuse me?"
"I said Neimo spoke to us."
"What did he say?"
"He said, 'Tell Lucifer he owes me one.'"
"Owes him for what?"
"For saving my life." says Blake.
"Are you certain of that? Last time he came out he tried to kill you all." asks Ozpin
"Yes, but...I don't know. He was right behind me. He stopped an attack that was meant for me, and then he killed everyone that posed a threat to me. What happened to the dead White Fang, anyway?"
"You don't need to know" Neimo's rampage at the warehouse was covered up as a police raid gone wrong.
"One other thing" says Jaune "I'm not very sure myself if I'm right, but...Neimo...his Aura seemed somewhat less then it was the last time he was released. It may mean nothing, or maybe that as the cause of Neimo's..." he waved his hand around, as if finding the correct word for it "...decreased viciousness."
"I noticed it, too." says Lie "His Aura was down around twenty-eight percent from the last time he was released, though I don't know if it was that that influenced him, either."
No one was talking about how Neimo laughed like a psychopathic maniac after killing all the White Fang.
"Well" says Ozpin "That'll be all for now. If you have anything else to say, feel free to say it. I'll be here all day today. Dismissed." Both teams filed out the double doors.
Ozpin kept his peace about what was not said. He noticed how Blake said "but...", as if there were something else to him, something that says Neimo didn't do it for her sake, but whatever it was, either no one thought it important enough to be brought up, or they were protecting Neimo for something that he did or something that happened.
Ozpin wondered that, if they were protecting him, if it were a good thing - because he has gained real friends - or a bad thing - because whatever problem it was may manifest into something horrible.
He briefly entertained the thought that bringing in Lucifer, and Neimo with him, might turn out to be another of his mistakes, but he pushed the thought away, knowing that it was safer to keep him here rather than out there, on the streets, where there could be danger to innocent civilians and Lucifer either from Lucifer himself or whoever is trying to capture him.
But keeping Lucifer here with his students, apart from team RWBY and JNPR, and maybe Velvet, oblivious to his true nature, was that a bad thing? Would he find out too late? Would it matter?
Questions, questions, many questions..."Questions cost lives." murmured Ozpin "quote of a traitorous general, who lost faith in his cause due to questions asked." he sighed.
He hoped it wasn't anything terrible.

"This is terrible." says Ruby "What happened to him? He was laughing like he killed for fun, and was getting a real kick from all that White Fang."
"Why didn't we tell Ozpin, again?" asked Weiss.
"Because he may kick Lucifer out of here if we do." says Ruby.
"He won't" says Pyrrha "He won't throw Lucifer back out onto the street where he may be a danger to himself and others around him."
"However," says Lie "Ozpin won't trust Lucifer as much."
"Yeah..." says Weiss "I guess so..."
"We can only hope that this doesn't go too far." says Pyrrha "Besides that? Not much."
"But there is something else we can do?" asks Jaune.
"Maybe." says Pyrrha "Ask Lucifer how did he manage to decrease his Aura level."
But Lucifer is otherwise occupied at the moment.

- Here we go again...
Lucifer is once again in his mind, awaiting Neimo's arrival.
So he can kick my ass again, thinks Lucifer, and the thought echoes loudly through the landscape, causing his ears to ring painfully. 
Of course his thoughts were like boom boxes everywhere, this was his mind.
- Lucifer.
Turning, Lucifer once again sees Neimo.
- What?
- What did you do? I couldn't choose who I wanted to kill. Honestly, those animals were enough, but the cat-girl is still a life I would have otherwise taken.
- Which is why I wouldn't tell what is it I did, no matter what you do to me here.
Neimo growled, his bone-white fangs visible through the light-drowning Aura surrounding him.
- I should kill you.
- You won't. And you can't. Killing me would also kill you. You live in my mind, you work through my body. Killing me will also kill you. Besides, I won't let you.
Neimo scoffed.
- 'You won't let me'? Hah! You couldn't even recognize the insides of your own mind last time. What makes you think you have any power over me as long as you're here?
- Because...
Lucifer paused a moment before speaking.
- This is MY mind.

Lucifer awoke from the dream-state rather calmly, as if he were simply closing his eyes to rest them for a moment. He smiled to himself.
He had won his first battle against Neimo.

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Wingclipped Angel

The shop is empty, but that's nothing new.
There weren't many people looking for hunting gear this part of town, and Jack, the shop owner, has long since gotten used to the quiet atmosphere of his shop named the 'Dust, Guns n' Gear'
Jack is sitting behind the counter, reading a magazine, his feet propped on the counter when the jingling of the bell at the door jolts him and he drops his legs and the magazine to the floor.
Customers were a rare occurrence around here. Jack briefly wonders if he should move his shop somewhere closer to Beacon, there should be more people willing to but equipment there.
"Welcome, how can I help you?" asks Jack.
"The sign out front says 'Dust, Guns n' Gear', but do you have anything for Aura?"
"They're at the back of the shop, sir."
The customer looked peculiar, to him at least. What the heck, how long has it been since a Huntsman or a Huntress came in here? Does he still remember how they look like? Does it matter? Probably not-
"I said I'm paying." the customer.
Better stop dreaming all day if he wants to keep the business...
That's odd. An Aura Arrester. One shaped like a cross with a jewel on the center and four spikes coming out between the bars of the cross.
"...Are you sure this is what you're looking for? This thing restricts Aura." asks Jack.
"Of course I'm sure."
"Well, okay. That'll be thirty-six in cash."
After paying, the customer went out the door, sticking the cross into his side pocket and the end of the loop of chain around it into his back pocket.

The same chain jingles as Lucifer descends into darkness and Neimo rises to take his place, The jewel at the center of the cross glowing as it does it's job.


Neimo stops the flight of the Shock Baton with his left hand, electricity sparking off his bracer.
With his other hand he reaches around the White Fang's head and pulls, and a snap echoes through the warehouse.
"Lucifer...?" asks Blake, her face falling as she realized Lucifer isn't there.
"My name is not Lucifer." says Neimo "My name is Neimo. Neimo Grimm."
It was odd. He didn't feel like time when the blonde girl first released him, when he felt like he was in complete control. He felt like every other time he came out besides then: only partially in control, and having to do things according to Lucy's wishes. And right now Lucy wants the catgirl safe.
Fair enough.
The White Fang surrounding the two, realizing the man is now a threat bigger than Blake, begin to fire on him, their gunshots making perfect markers for their locations.
Neimo dashes to each White Fang, one after another, crack after crack echoing through the warehouse nearly but not lost in the mess of telltale gunshots.
Suddenly, the warehouse lights are turned on, and RWBY and JNPR are standing in the doorway.



"What's that?" asks Yang.
"It's my phone, hold on..." says Ruby, pulling her black and red phone from her pocket. "It's Lucifer."
"What does he want?" asks Weiss.
" 'Guys, investigating a bounty on Blake's head. Currently heading to abandoned warehouse downtown. May need backup. Bring JNPR. May get ugly. -Lucifer Grimm'."
"Blake's got a bounty on her head?" asks Yang.
"Apparently." says Ruby "I'll text Jaune. Yang, tell Ozpin."
"Got it, sis."


"I-i-is that Neimo?" stammers Jaune.
"Yes." says Blake, getting up "But something's off with him"
"You think?" asks Weiss. Then "Blake, why didn't you tell us you had a bounty on your head?"
She shrugged "Didn't have the chance before."
"Real question is: what do we do now? Neimo was taken out last time by Ozpin, but Ozpin's not here, so what are we going to do?" Asks Ruby.
"Get out of here before he turns his attention to us, maybe?" Asks Jaune.
"Perhaps not. At the present, it wouldn't seem he has any interest in us. I would guess Neimo's acting on Lucifer's will somehow, so he's not attacking us." Says Lie.
"Whatever! If he comes, I'm sure you can knock him around, Lie!" Says Nora.
"I'm glad you think so, because honestly, I'm not as sure. I've seen what Neimo can do from last time he came out, and I'm willing to bet that's not all he can do."
"So we're back to square one," points out Ruby "or maybe two: wait until every White Fang is dead and see what happens."
They wouldn't have to wait long, Neimo is already dropping the last standing White Fang to fall limply to the floor.
Looking down at the bloody carnage around him and at his bloody claws, he stood silent for the longest time.
Then he began to giggle.
Then he began to chuckle.
Then he began to laugh.
Neimo began to laugh and laugh and laugh. A mad cackling the would have scared the birds off branches.
"W-w-w-what's happening now?" stammers Jaune.
Neimo continued his mad laughing until he tired of the exercise or his lungs were exhausted. Slowly, he lowered his head.
Turning to the two teams, he starts towards them. They take their battle stances and await his anticipated attack.
Instead, he walks right up to them.
In a voice belonging to Lucifer and yet not Lucifer's voice, Neimo speaks.
"Tell Lucifer" he says "he owes me one for helping out the catgirl."
Then, the dark Aura around him dissipating and his hair blackening, Lucifer is returned to them, collapsing to the floor, nearly unconscious.
Forcing his eyes open, he murmurs "B-Blake...?"
"I'm here" she replies.
Closing his eyes in a silent prayer of thanks, he says in a whisper "Good ... Really?" Before falling unconscious.

 - LATER -

Back in the warehouse, Adam had been, fortunately for him, forgotten in the mass of bloodshed. Now he wakes up from a what might have been a restless sleep.
"Uuuhh..." he moans, lifting his head and looking around "What...HAPPENED here...?" then the answer dawned on him "Oh, no..."
A light like fire lit up from the depths of the warehouse, and a familiar voice speaks.
"Adam, Adam, have disappointed us yet again...failing to capture your own former teammate." said Cinder. Adam drew Wilt and Blush.
"Stay away from me, Cinder! I won't be working with you anymore!"
"Relax, we won't want you to work with us, either."
Adam's hopes shot up for a moment, and then fell to his boots. It just went even lower when Cinder continued.
"You'll be working FOR us, now... we have BIG plans for you, Adam. You and White Fang..."

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Devil's Return



- Huh?


 - What's that sound?


- Oh, it's my-

Adam pulls out his burn phone, the one for the bounty on Blake, and hits the answer key.
"Yes?" says Adam.
"I got the target. Will be going to the warehouse tomorrow at eight in the morning sharp. Do you have the money ready?" he was using a voice changer. Definitely a pro.
"Yeah, I got it. How is she?"
"Out of it for now. The drugs will last until later this evening. She's in chains anyhow. Sent a letter of leave to Beacon."
"Yeah, she goes to Beacon for protection, don't you know that?"
He IS  a pro.
Too bad.
"Just did. Tomorrow. Warehouse. 25,000 in cash."
 "So" says Adam "Trying to hide it out at Beacon, huh? Bet your friends don't even know you're former White Fang. Maybe they won't miss you if they did." he chuckled to himself. Soon.

"So how did it go?" asks Blake.
"Smooth" says Lucifer "Must be the first time he put a bounty on someone. Asked questions."
"Typical. Wants to know everything." says Blake.
Getting up, she says "Can we go back now?"
"No. I told him you are in my custody. If you are seen in the street, he might be notified."
"So how are Ruby, Yang and the rest supposed to know I'm okay?"
"They already do" says Lucifer "If I read him right, he might want to tell them you are a current White Fang so they won't go around looking for you. He doesn't know they know. Didn't even know you went to Beacon. You did a good job hiding yourself."
"I was with him long enough know how he gets his information. Just needed to keep his sources from knowing to keep him from knowing."
"Hmm. Well, now to plan this out..."


Lucifer pushes open the door to the warehouse. The creak echoes throughout the dark, empty structure. He pulled his mask on and fitted a voice changer into it for this occasion.
"You took your time." came a voice.
Looking at his watch, Lucifer says "Then you have to dial your watch back three minutes and forty-eight seconds, because I am on time and you are early."
Adam huffed "Do you have her?"
"Right here" Lucifer enters the doorway, pushing Blake, gagged and bound in chains, in front of him.
Lucifer notices a gleam of gunmetal somewhere in the dark. Of course he had backup.
"Payment." says Lucifer.
"Of course, just a moment" 
Turning, Adam retrieves Blush and fires at Lucifer, point-blank.
Lucifer collapses, jerking the chain he was holding connected to the one around Blake.
"Ah..." says Adam, walking into the light, making him visible "Blake, how long has it been?"
Blake just glared at him.
"Oh, that's right" says Adam "Gag" he says to the dark.
A White Fang emerges from the shadows and unties the rag around Blake's mouth.
Spitting for a while, Blake says "Why are you doing this?"
"Oh, Blake, how we missed you. I just couldn't work as well without my trusty partner. We need you back, Blake." says Adam.
"Go to hell." says Blake.
"Ah." says Adam, walking around her "You've changed somewhat. Get any better at using the Gambol Shroud? Still cut yourself from time to time?"
"You can't hold me for long. When my teammates realize I'm gone-"
"When they realize you're gone" interrupts Adam "They wouldn't care a whit. They would just assume you went back to the White Fang-" He strokes her hair "And they would be right."
"So this is what it's all about?" asks Blake, almost mockingly "Just getting me back into the fold?"
"Well..." says Adam "...yes."
Blake grunted "I expected more. Guess you haven't changed much since I last saw you."
" remembered...missed me?" He went to stroke her hair again.
"Don't touch me, you!" says Blake.
"Oh? And what's stopping me?" asks Adam.
"Your unpaid Bounty Hunter is what."
"Huh-" turning, he just managed to see a metal plate fly at him before the world descended into darkness.

Lucifer backhanded Adam, catching him with his bracer and knocking him out. Tugging on the chain, he unties her just as the doors behind him closed shut, making the warehouse pitch-black.
Of course, the Faunus have nightvision, they can see me, I can't see them
But they're not the only one here who's a Faunus, and I don't need to see to find them.
Shutting his eyes, he focused on sound, listening for telltale ripples through the air to locate them-
-But the Faunus were also light on their feet, and whatever noise that is made is lost to echoes due to the warehouse's structure.
So much for being the hunter here.
"Blake! I can't sense them! it's up to you now!"
"Got it!"
But it was a losing battle. they were outnumbered thirty to one, and the White Fang were smart enough to know Blake is the bigger threat and go after her first. Blake is skilled with her Gambol Shroud as well as fighting multiple enemies at once, but so are the White Fang around her. Soon, they had her and Lucifer pinned down. Slowly, Lucifer was gaining nightvision. Not as good or as fast as the Faunus', but better than the average human.
He sees a White Fang retrieve a Shock Baton. Unlike the Dust Stun Baton, the Shock Baton is battery-powered, but all Lucifer could see was a metal rod, sparking with electricity, being raised high and about to be brought down on Blake, a friend. A friend.
"Noo..." he didn't manage to finish as everything descended into a black well darker than the insides of the warehouse could ever get.

The Triple Agent

"Where's Lucifer?" asked Peter. It wasn't like the Grimm kid to be absent.
"He's, ah, helping out a friend in need." says Ruby.
"Ah." says Peter. He wonders why did he bother asking about the boy. Ozpin had a meeting with all of the teachers the other day, saying how Lucifer is to be treated like any other student, except that he isn't an official student. Ozpin made clear that he is allowed to sit through any and all classes and can choose to do the work provided, but he won't be present during tests, written or otherwise. That his name isn't in the attendance sheets states that he can be in and out of classes whenever he wishes, which is what made Peter's question rhetorical.


Surprise them.

Lifting his leg, Lucifer kicks the handle of the door in front of him, breaking the lock and opening the door.

Catch them off guard. Watch their eyes.

"I'll give you fellas one chaance to come clean, tell me about a Faunas girl that's a former member of your White Fang with a bounty on her head and I'll let you live!" One Faunas man's eyes flickered.

Once target is found, scare him into submission.

"You've had your chance!" yells Lucifer, grabbing hold of and pulling out both Dicers from their sheaths. pulling the triggers of both, the blade falls out from the handle, trailing two nearly-invisible strands of razor wire behind them.
Lucifer begins to swing around like a madman, seemingly without technique, but actually doing his best at being showy, so he has a better chance to frighten his target enough to talk.
It's actually a lot more complicated than one might imagine. He has to be scared enough to talk, but not so scared he believes he will die anyway and tries something desperate, and not leave enough in him to think he can still win if he fought. It is a carefully calculated decision based on what he gathered from his target in that short amount of time.

Soon, the targeted Faunus is the only one uninjured.
"Last chance, now..." says Lucifer, raising his weapon.
"Wait! Don't! I'll talk!" he whines. Success.
"Well, oh-kay..." says Lucifer, lowering his weapon "I'm listening."
"I don't know very much, but I heard...I heard that one of us left us while out on a mission, a-a-and the guy that was with her was pissed and h-he was the one who placed the bounty, but I don't know more, I swear!" he wails, covering his head as if that would protect him.
Lucifer's face was unreadable, there was a silence punctuated by the Faunus's quiet sobs for a moment, until Lucifer broke the silence, asking "What's his name?"
"Adam" says the Faunus "Adam Taurus"
Looking up, he was surprised to see Lucifer smiling.
"See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" then, hoisting up one of the White Fang members - this one himself had a bounty on him, any White Fang with a rank does - he says to the Faunus "Go home. Your fight's over." and leaves through the broken-down doorway.
"Adam" says Lucifer, climbing on his bike he named the 'Shadow Pursuit', "Depending on what your old partner, Blake, says, I just might be the death of you, so look out..."


" good thing among others about being a student at Beacon" mutters Blake "is unlimited access to the city library." Not that it made much of a difference, 'unlimited access' simply meant open doors to sections of the library otherwise inaccessible, with information on Creatures of Grimm or known criminals throughout Remnant...and a half dozen or so precious old books the library didn't trust with the general public. Blake had two such books.
"Psst! Blake!" came a whisper.
"Aaand...the other shoe drops." she moans "Good thing I brought a bag to keep these..."
She went to the alley where the whisper came from, and , as expected, an arm came round her mouth and she was yanked away.

When they stopped at another unknown place, Blake began to ask questions.
"So what is it? You found the person?"
"Well, technically, no. But I got a name, and I came here to ask you what do you want to be done."
"Okay, lets hear this name."
"You might know this person. His name's Adam."
Blake's face fell
"Adam Taurus." says Lucifer
"Adam? Why would he-? Are you sure?" asks Blake.
"I had to kill a room full of White Fang to get the information, so, yes, I'm sure." said Lucifer, deadpan.
Blake slumps against the wall.
"So" says Lucifer "What do you want to do?"
"I don't know. If it were anyone else, I'd probably say 'collect your bounty on him' or something but..." she sighs.
"What? You got a crush on him or something?" asks Lucifer.
"NO!" she yells "I just...I don't understand how he could just put a price tag on my head."
"Actually, he didn't"
Pulling out the document of the bounty, Lucifer reads " 'To be brought in alive at whatever cost.', says here to bring you in, unconscious or not and bound, to some abandoned warehouse downtown."
"What do you suggest?" asks Blake, already knowing the answer she might be getting.
"I suggest we go pay him a visit..."

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Lost Bounty


Lucifer has started on his career as a Bounty Hunter. He is bringing back his most recent capture, a double-murderer from downtown.
"You're good at this!" Says the desk clerk at the Bounty Office "Some of our Bounty Hunters that went after this guy couldn't find any trace of him!"
"Guess I just have a good nose for this job" replies Lucifer, the desk clerk not knowing how true this rising star of a newbie Bounty Hunter's most recent remark is. He's got the nose of a bloodhound, if not a better one.
"Well, I think I've got another bounty here that seems to suit you. A White Fang terrorist. Don't see her handiwork around much, now, but her actions in the past need to be paid for. Fell off the grid and out of sight quite some time ago, never resurfaced since. Here's her picture."
Lucifer took the picture and scanned it, recording it into his memory. Hut he ran into a wall. What? I've already got this face in my memory? That's odd. Looking at the mugshot for real this time, he stared at the face on the photo. The photo was grainy and not of good quality, and is slightly worn, but the face on it is clear as it could get if he were standing in the same room with her.
It was Blake.

"One good thing about being a student at Beacon Academy, among other things, is unlimited access to the city libraries..." Not that she really needed it. Said 'unlimited access' is simply access to information on criminals or Grimm not allowed for the general public, and she just wanted some nice stories-
She stopped.
Using her heightened senses, she found the direction of the whispers.
"Come over here! It's me, Lucifer!"
She went over.
"Lucifer, what-"
Lucifer grabbed her and bolted away without saying a word.

Some hours later, they stopped in some sort of back alley while Lucifer caught his breath. Blake didn't need to, she didn't run.
"WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT!?" She shrieked.
"Had to. Some people may have been watching. Couldn't risk it."
"COULDN'T RISK-" Lucifer put a hand over her mouth.
"Quieter. PLEASE." He let go.
"What's going on?" She asked.
Lucifer showed her the mugshot.
"What? Where did you get this?"
Lucifer showed her the official document stating she had a bounty on her head.
"What? A bounty? On me? Who did this?"
"The identity of the person who put the bounty there is a secret, else I would have told you. I had to grab you because I couldn't risk anyone seeing you. Don't think you are unnoticeable, I found you easily enough. Believe me, if the priority of bringing you in were any higher, you're ass'd been hauled in by now."
"But that is all in the past, I've got nothing to do with White Fang anymore."
"You don't, but you did. That's enough for the authorities."
"What did you do?"
"I told them I was taking the bounty offer, just to make sure no one would go after it for a while, though when they find out I'm not pursuing you, the offer will go back up for grabs."
Blake slumped against the wall.
"And so goes the second time my past involvement with White Fang come back to haunt me." She sighed "So now what?"
"I was going to ask you that question." Said Lucifer.
She sighed, louder this time.
"The White Fang I was involved in did peaceful protests. I went out on a couple of the attacks of the violent White Fang before deciding it just isn't right and left. I thought I left it all behind me until I accidentally busted myself to my team. Thankfully, that got cleared up, but now this..."
"Let's get you back to Beacon first, I'll have to think about this."
"Okay, but...where are we?"
"Your guess is as good as mine." He chuckled "However, my new toy can bring us back no problem."
Blake looked up. Lucifer is standing next to a sleek, black motorbike. It had blood red markings as well as some vents that didn't look like they spewed waste air.
"How much did you pay for this?" She asked.
"Didn't actually paid for nothing." He replied.
"Nope. Put it together at the Forge, actually. Best urban transportation of maximum speed and mobility. Perfect for bounty hunting, especially for chases. That and getting from A to B the quickest possible way."
"Something tells me I might regret this." She says, climbing on.
"If you had followed Ruby and Yang into the forest, this would be nothing!" He said, revving the engine before accelerating.

They returned to the dorms to find the rest of RWBY in their dorm room.
"Blake! Where have you been? We looked everywhere for you!" said Ruby.
"Even Weiss thought she said something wrong and fused you to run off again." said Yang.
"I did NOT think that! Hmph!" shouted Weiss.
Lucifer looked at Blake. Should I?
Blake sighed. Might as well.
"Guys...there's something important you guys should know..." began Lucifer.
"What?" asks Yang.
Lucifer paused for a moment before saying "Blake's got a bounty on her head."
There was a short and uneasy silence before Ruby broke it.
"Who? Why?"
"Blake asked those exact same questions. I don't know. I'm not supposed to."
"Can you find out?" asks Yang.
"Maybe. It won't be easy, though." replies Lucifer.
"Do what you have to, within limits, of course." says Blake.
"Tell Ozpin. I'm going out to, uh, help someone in need. Might need a couple of days to get a lead. Another day or more to track down the person where the bounty came from. I'll take until the end of the week at most." says Lucifer.
"I'll get to it" promised Blake.


Hey guys, this is TheRyderShotgun.

First of all, to whoever's kept with me, thanks to you!

Second of all, that's ten episodes so far. I may manage another tomorrow, but the holiday's ending. I won't be able to upload at the same rate as before, so I'm sorry!

Third, recently, I discovered a site for people to post their own fanfiction. Still deciding wether or not to join it and move this fanfic there. I might not get any replies, but I would like anyone's input on this.

Finally, I recently took to google to see if this blog appears on the results page if I search it, and guess what I found:
Jolted me, to be sure.
You can find this blog via google search now, though.

That'll be all for now. RyderShotgun, out.