Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Cresent of Darkness

Jaune wanted help. He seriously did, but he wanted for Pyrrha to have a day off for once more.
He is training by himself in a field, trying to do  a long-ranged swing with his sword.
Okay...he thought for what must have been the hundredth time toaday. Step forward, quick swing, step backwards, I can do this. he added unnecesarily.
He in truth stood a small distance away from the dummy he set up for the purpose. Speeding up a bit, he jogged towards the model, stopped, swung-
-And missed his mark.
Sighing, he started to back up for another try, but he bumped into something behind him that he knew wasn't there before. Thinking a Grimm snuck up to him, he threw his hands up in shock, throwing both sword and shield up into the air.
Turning to face the threat - which by now part of his mind already knew it wasn't, though the other part didn't care - he saw it was only Lucifer.
Before he could so much as breath a sigh of relief, his shield, now in sheath form, came down on his head with a loud CLONK!
Looking up, Lucifer saw his blade was still coming down, and he snatched it out of the air by the handle backwards before it could drive through Jaune's back, exposed as he bent over with pain. Lucifer tossed the sword upwards, catching it by the blade and keeping the edge from his hand, and held it out to Jaune. He took it, saying "Thanks, Lucifer."
"How's the training going?" he asked. Jaune almost said that he was doing fine, thank you, but who was he kidding? Lucifer might have been standing behind him long enough to know how was he doing already. Besides, he might be of some help.
"Bad. I can't seem to get this right."
"Do it again and let me see." he said.
Jaune did, stepping back, jogging forward, stopping, swinging and missing again.
"First things first" said Lucifer "Your swing is too wide. You are only fighting one target at the moment, you need not swing your sword in so wide an arc or you'll expose yourself to a counterattack."
"How about actually hitting my target?" asked Jaune.
"You can try again when you fail. If you don't get cut down by a counterattack from your wide swing. Do it again."
He did, missing again, but reducing the distance he swings his sword. He observes that he can step back quicker if he does so.
"Another reason to keep your swings small. You can be justified to wide swings when your number of targets go somewhere over...oh, say, ten."
Then he stopped.
"Jaune?" he asked.
"Yeah?" Jaune replied.
"Let me see that sword."
"Just" he said in a low, commanding tone "Hand it over."
He did.
Holding the sword close to his eyes, he examined it, looking at the blade, down the pommel towards the tip and every little detail on it.
"Where did you get this blade?" he asked.
"It's a hand-me-down - Ruby calls it a family heirloom and a classic, but it's pretty old in this day and age to be of much use - My great-great-grandfather used it during the war."
Lucifer looked at him "Your-? What's your name?"
"I know that already, what's your OTHER name?"
"And do you know the role your double-great-granpa played during the war?"
"He was a seargent. All I know."
"Figures" Lucifer looked away from the blade at Jaunce "Jaune, your double-great-granpa was one the most unsung heroes during the war." Turing away from Jaune's puzzled face back towards the sword, he says "He was part of an elite team, the S.A.R.s"
"No, S-A-R, for Shock and Awe Raiders. And this weapon-" he held it out at arm's length "-was, simply put, a legend in the team."
"But it's just a sword and shield-"
"Don't you call it 'just' a sword and shield, are you not familiar with your family's ... heritage?"
"Besides they were all hearoes?"
"Jaune, the Arc family has a long history of fighters with large amounts of Aura. Certainly you have been told something similar before?"
"...You have a lot of it..." he remembered Pyrrha saying to him "Yeah?"
"Well..." said Lucifer "...This weapon is one of the best weapons in terms of Aura conductivity, period." turning to the trees nearby, he shouts "Don't you agree with me, Pyrrha?"
Pyrrha? thought Jaune, as she jumped down from her hiding place on a branch and walked towards them.
"Impressive. I was up there since he came here to watch how would he do alone. How did you find me?" she asked.
"I can smell you." he said casually "Don't ask what."
"Wait" said Jaune "What about her and Crocea Mors?"
"Well, it's an interesting bit of, ah, deduction, you might say. Seeing Jaune train, I can be sure that his left flank would be open whenever he swings his sword. From my own research and training, I know that an Ursa's attack style would have caught Jaune, and, well, he wouldn't be here. I doubt he was able to see the attack and lift his shield in time to block it like he did, so chancees are that Aura is involved. Cardin was too busy wetting his pants to do it, Ruby's Aura is speed, Weiss's is glyphs, and that leaves Pyrrha as the only person there that might have done something. Your Aura's probably got something to do with metal, but you can tell me what later. Anyway, I'm sure you noticed something as you moved the shield?"
"I...did" she said, recovering from Lucifer's explanation of his truthful conclusion. "The shield moved faster than I expected, but I thought I just used a larger amount of Aura, so I didn't really think much of it."
"There you go" said Lucifer "As I said, your gre'great-granpa was an unsung hero of the war. He often caught opponents off-gaurd by the effectiveness of the weapon. You can imagine how it went- 'Meh. Just a common sword and shield, nothing to worry about.'" he chuckled "Of course, what you can actually do with these are limited, still, however, you can really dish out lots of damage if you do it right."
"Aaaannd...what exactly CAN I do?"
"From what I read - books are such good information sources - The sword can fire a sort of 'cresent cutter',and the shield can blast a sort of shockwave."
"That it?" asked Jaune, somewhat disapointed.
"Don't be greedy, Jaune. Watch this." Lucifer swings the blade at some of the nearby trees, and a black fiery cresent flies from the blade right at the trees. Several severed treetops begin to hit the ground.
"Whoa" said Jaune. Then "Wait, you used Aura? Won't that awake Neimo?"
"I've been training myself..." he said, slyly. Neimo was probably listening, and he couldn't afford the secret of the Aura Arrester in his pocket being revealed to him.

"You know, Lucifer" says Jaune "You haven't YET tald me how to hit my target."
"I can help!" chirps Pyrrha.

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