Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Triple Agent

"Where's Lucifer?" asked Peter. It wasn't like the Grimm kid to be absent.
"He's, ah, helping out a friend in need." says Ruby.
"Ah." says Peter. He wonders why did he bother asking about the boy. Ozpin had a meeting with all of the teachers the other day, saying how Lucifer is to be treated like any other student, except that he isn't an official student. Ozpin made clear that he is allowed to sit through any and all classes and can choose to do the work provided, but he won't be present during tests, written or otherwise. That his name isn't in the attendance sheets states that he can be in and out of classes whenever he wishes, which is what made Peter's question rhetorical.


Surprise them.

Lifting his leg, Lucifer kicks the handle of the door in front of him, breaking the lock and opening the door.

Catch them off guard. Watch their eyes.

"I'll give you fellas one chaance to come clean, tell me about a Faunas girl that's a former member of your White Fang with a bounty on her head and I'll let you live!" One Faunas man's eyes flickered.

Once target is found, scare him into submission.

"You've had your chance!" yells Lucifer, grabbing hold of and pulling out both Dicers from their sheaths. pulling the triggers of both, the blade falls out from the handle, trailing two nearly-invisible strands of razor wire behind them.
Lucifer begins to swing around like a madman, seemingly without technique, but actually doing his best at being showy, so he has a better chance to frighten his target enough to talk.
It's actually a lot more complicated than one might imagine. He has to be scared enough to talk, but not so scared he believes he will die anyway and tries something desperate, and not leave enough in him to think he can still win if he fought. It is a carefully calculated decision based on what he gathered from his target in that short amount of time.

Soon, the targeted Faunus is the only one uninjured.
"Last chance, now..." says Lucifer, raising his weapon.
"Wait! Don't! I'll talk!" he whines. Success.
"Well, oh-kay..." says Lucifer, lowering his weapon "I'm listening."
"I don't know very much, but I heard...I heard that one of us left us while out on a mission, a-a-and the guy that was with her was pissed and h-he was the one who placed the bounty, but I don't know more, I swear!" he wails, covering his head as if that would protect him.
Lucifer's face was unreadable, there was a silence punctuated by the Faunus's quiet sobs for a moment, until Lucifer broke the silence, asking "What's his name?"
"Adam" says the Faunus "Adam Taurus"
Looking up, he was surprised to see Lucifer smiling.
"See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" then, hoisting up one of the White Fang members - this one himself had a bounty on him, any White Fang with a rank does - he says to the Faunus "Go home. Your fight's over." and leaves through the broken-down doorway.
"Adam" says Lucifer, climbing on his bike he named the 'Shadow Pursuit', "Depending on what your old partner, Blake, says, I just might be the death of you, so look out..."


" good thing among others about being a student at Beacon" mutters Blake "is unlimited access to the city library." Not that it made much of a difference, 'unlimited access' simply meant open doors to sections of the library otherwise inaccessible, with information on Creatures of Grimm or known criminals throughout Remnant...and a half dozen or so precious old books the library didn't trust with the general public. Blake had two such books.
"Psst! Blake!" came a whisper.
"Aaand...the other shoe drops." she moans "Good thing I brought a bag to keep these..."
She went to the alley where the whisper came from, and , as expected, an arm came round her mouth and she was yanked away.

When they stopped at another unknown place, Blake began to ask questions.
"So what is it? You found the person?"
"Well, technically, no. But I got a name, and I came here to ask you what do you want to be done."
"Okay, lets hear this name."
"You might know this person. His name's Adam."
Blake's face fell
"Adam Taurus." says Lucifer
"Adam? Why would he-? Are you sure?" asks Blake.
"I had to kill a room full of White Fang to get the information, so, yes, I'm sure." said Lucifer, deadpan.
Blake slumps against the wall.
"So" says Lucifer "What do you want to do?"
"I don't know. If it were anyone else, I'd probably say 'collect your bounty on him' or something but..." she sighs.
"What? You got a crush on him or something?" asks Lucifer.
"NO!" she yells "I just...I don't understand how he could just put a price tag on my head."
"Actually, he didn't"
Pulling out the document of the bounty, Lucifer reads " 'To be brought in alive at whatever cost.', says here to bring you in, unconscious or not and bound, to some abandoned warehouse downtown."
"What do you suggest?" asks Blake, already knowing the answer she might be getting.
"I suggest we go pay him a visit..."

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