Friday, April 4, 2014

The Wingclipped Angel

The shop is empty, but that's nothing new.
There weren't many people looking for hunting gear this part of town, and Jack, the shop owner, has long since gotten used to the quiet atmosphere of his shop named the 'Dust, Guns n' Gear'
Jack is sitting behind the counter, reading a magazine, his feet propped on the counter when the jingling of the bell at the door jolts him and he drops his legs and the magazine to the floor.
Customers were a rare occurrence around here. Jack briefly wonders if he should move his shop somewhere closer to Beacon, there should be more people willing to but equipment there.
"Welcome, how can I help you?" asks Jack.
"The sign out front says 'Dust, Guns n' Gear', but do you have anything for Aura?"
"They're at the back of the shop, sir."
The customer looked peculiar, to him at least. What the heck, how long has it been since a Huntsman or a Huntress came in here? Does he still remember how they look like? Does it matter? Probably not-
"I said I'm paying." the customer.
Better stop dreaming all day if he wants to keep the business...
That's odd. An Aura Arrester. One shaped like a cross with a jewel on the center and four spikes coming out between the bars of the cross.
"...Are you sure this is what you're looking for? This thing restricts Aura." asks Jack.
"Of course I'm sure."
"Well, okay. That'll be thirty-six in cash."
After paying, the customer went out the door, sticking the cross into his side pocket and the end of the loop of chain around it into his back pocket.

The same chain jingles as Lucifer descends into darkness and Neimo rises to take his place, The jewel at the center of the cross glowing as it does it's job.


Neimo stops the flight of the Shock Baton with his left hand, electricity sparking off his bracer.
With his other hand he reaches around the White Fang's head and pulls, and a snap echoes through the warehouse.
"Lucifer...?" asks Blake, her face falling as she realized Lucifer isn't there.
"My name is not Lucifer." says Neimo "My name is Neimo. Neimo Grimm."
It was odd. He didn't feel like time when the blonde girl first released him, when he felt like he was in complete control. He felt like every other time he came out besides then: only partially in control, and having to do things according to Lucy's wishes. And right now Lucy wants the catgirl safe.
Fair enough.
The White Fang surrounding the two, realizing the man is now a threat bigger than Blake, begin to fire on him, their gunshots making perfect markers for their locations.
Neimo dashes to each White Fang, one after another, crack after crack echoing through the warehouse nearly but not lost in the mess of telltale gunshots.
Suddenly, the warehouse lights are turned on, and RWBY and JNPR are standing in the doorway.



"What's that?" asks Yang.
"It's my phone, hold on..." says Ruby, pulling her black and red phone from her pocket. "It's Lucifer."
"What does he want?" asks Weiss.
" 'Guys, investigating a bounty on Blake's head. Currently heading to abandoned warehouse downtown. May need backup. Bring JNPR. May get ugly. -Lucifer Grimm'."
"Blake's got a bounty on her head?" asks Yang.
"Apparently." says Ruby "I'll text Jaune. Yang, tell Ozpin."
"Got it, sis."


"I-i-is that Neimo?" stammers Jaune.
"Yes." says Blake, getting up "But something's off with him"
"You think?" asks Weiss. Then "Blake, why didn't you tell us you had a bounty on your head?"
She shrugged "Didn't have the chance before."
"Real question is: what do we do now? Neimo was taken out last time by Ozpin, but Ozpin's not here, so what are we going to do?" Asks Ruby.
"Get out of here before he turns his attention to us, maybe?" Asks Jaune.
"Perhaps not. At the present, it wouldn't seem he has any interest in us. I would guess Neimo's acting on Lucifer's will somehow, so he's not attacking us." Says Lie.
"Whatever! If he comes, I'm sure you can knock him around, Lie!" Says Nora.
"I'm glad you think so, because honestly, I'm not as sure. I've seen what Neimo can do from last time he came out, and I'm willing to bet that's not all he can do."
"So we're back to square one," points out Ruby "or maybe two: wait until every White Fang is dead and see what happens."
They wouldn't have to wait long, Neimo is already dropping the last standing White Fang to fall limply to the floor.
Looking down at the bloody carnage around him and at his bloody claws, he stood silent for the longest time.
Then he began to giggle.
Then he began to chuckle.
Then he began to laugh.
Neimo began to laugh and laugh and laugh. A mad cackling the would have scared the birds off branches.
"W-w-w-what's happening now?" stammers Jaune.
Neimo continued his mad laughing until he tired of the exercise or his lungs were exhausted. Slowly, he lowered his head.
Turning to the two teams, he starts towards them. They take their battle stances and await his anticipated attack.
Instead, he walks right up to them.
In a voice belonging to Lucifer and yet not Lucifer's voice, Neimo speaks.
"Tell Lucifer" he says "he owes me one for helping out the catgirl."
Then, the dark Aura around him dissipating and his hair blackening, Lucifer is returned to them, collapsing to the floor, nearly unconscious.
Forcing his eyes open, he murmurs "B-Blake...?"
"I'm here" she replies.
Closing his eyes in a silent prayer of thanks, he says in a whisper "Good ... Really?" Before falling unconscious.

 - LATER -

Back in the warehouse, Adam had been, fortunately for him, forgotten in the mass of bloodshed. Now he wakes up from a what might have been a restless sleep.
"Uuuhh..." he moans, lifting his head and looking around "What...HAPPENED here...?" then the answer dawned on him "Oh, no..."
A light like fire lit up from the depths of the warehouse, and a familiar voice speaks.
"Adam, Adam, have disappointed us yet again...failing to capture your own former teammate." said Cinder. Adam drew Wilt and Blush.
"Stay away from me, Cinder! I won't be working with you anymore!"
"Relax, we won't want you to work with us, either."
Adam's hopes shot up for a moment, and then fell to his boots. It just went even lower when Cinder continued.
"You'll be working FOR us, now... we have BIG plans for you, Adam. You and White Fang..."

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